
I remember the first time I saw a Rolex on someone’s wrist. It was so loose it dipped (practically) onto their hand. I commented on it and someone said “that’s how wealthy people wear them”. I didn’t get any further explanation and I made it up in my mind that the idea was to wear it so casually, so carelessly that it

Decent progressive-minded people live in every single red state. I do! (Texas.) It is tough! But goddamn if it isn’t necessary, and sometimes rewarding, and you know what? I hope to turn this great and flawed state blue-ish before I die (hopefully not young, of an aneurysm.)

It’s disgusting that they would do anything to try and take coverage away from people on Medicaid. This has nothing to do with being “pro-life”. Medicaid is paying for basic healthcare. This has nothing to do with abortion, this is just about hatred of PP and contempt for poor people.

Those were the Catholics though. Surely these people are all fundamentalist Protestants.

Seriously. I wanted to stand up and applaud when Jerry Brown came out swinging against the incoming administration, but income inequality in California is insane and raising the minimum wage is barely a band-aid. Homes going for $700K+ are located next to modern-day Hoovervilles. And, yeah, there’s something to be

How’s that affordable housing and homeless population crisis working out for you guys?

I got married to my wife in 2015 and we both didn’t give a hoot about a lot of the details (though we did pick colors in the end). For our ceremony, we only did things that mattered to us and skipped things that had no meaning to us. For our reception, we focused on things that would make the day memorable and fun

My mom lives in Capitola, which is a fair distance from San Francisco & Palo Alto, and property values have gone CRAZY. The tech workers seem willing to commute large distances, and the HWY 1 southward is so jammed from hours 2-6 because there aren’t any other major highways to head back down to where they’re living.

If by “get their shit together” you mean liberals in California and New York should move to the Midwest in an attempt to disenfranchise the deplorables, then yes.

I’ve been thinking a lot about these issues as of late as well. I went to business school and studied economics. The function of a business is to generate profit for its shareholders. When a company’s employees aren’t is shareholders that basically leaves the lowest level worker screwed over with no say or economic


Having been raised evangelical, I was already well aware of how hypocritical and dishonest evangelicals tend to be, but it was “nice” to watch them spell it out so unmistakablely.

But the evangelicals would gladly stand beside Herr drumphf if it means war in the Middle East, so they will have a second coming of Jesus. At this rate they are going to be raptured all right, either by plagues, famine or nukes. And by rapture, I mean go past heaven, and directly straight to their coffin.

The main takeaway from this election: the bulk of Mormons genuinely believe the ethical redlines in their scriptures, the bulk of evangelicals are exactly the craven amoral fucknuts everyone else has always suspected.

“Teen Vogue” doing what mainstream media critics aren’t willing to, Especially by name, and to the perpetrator’s face.

That was how God was explained to me by my rabbi. But perhaps I should say “God’s physical presence”. It might be inelegant but the idea is that God is the creator of everything, an omnipotent being.

A pastor in California is part of a faction of Christians upset about Octavia Spencer’s role as God in the movie adaptation of William P. Young’s controversial 2007 novel The Shack. Spencer is black, you see, and God is a white man.

I saw some stats regarding the most recent enrollments in the ACA, top 5 states with most enrollees ALL went to Trump.

I’m having a hard time feeling any sympathy for Trump voters who get health benefits via the exchange or who receive Medicare/Social Security who seem stunned that the continuation of these benefits is now in real jeopardy. I feel sorry for everyone smart enough not to vote for Trump who will lose access to these

Tbf everyone’s a VP at a bank but you’re also not wrong in your point.