
Just like Gore in 2000 and Kerry 2004 (when there was talk about Ohio’s vote tallies being wonky), Hillary won’t do anything because of “the best interests of the nation.” Sucks being a member of a political party that actually has values about things

It is needlessly harsh. There are lot of white parents who have children who are POC as a result of interracial relationships or adoption. And it makes sense that those parents are concerned for their child’s safety.

No. Absolutely nothing

In 2011, Kristin Davis adopted Gemma Rose Davis. In 2016, Davis realized that her whiteness only protects her and not her daughter. Great.

If someone’s language is offensive and shocking, then you must cite the exact language when you criticize them. To say “Oh he said the n-word” or “Oh he called her a c-word” dilutes the power of the criticism and gives people an opportunity to turn their heads and not listen. That’s what happens when we sanitize

no need to hide from this...stand up to POTUS cheeto.

This is the right wing, in a nutshell. I’m so sick and tired of hearing how they give a fuck about the people of this country and how it’s the evil elites on the left who are the real villians. The right care about power, holding power and using it to fuck over as many people as possible before they lose it. Fuck

And just like that - POOF! - all mentions of $25 million dollar fraud-settlement, business meetings with Indian business partners, Ivanka sitting in on the meeting with Japanese leader - gone. Scrubbed, completely, from our collective memory. Hey, at least it’s tidy! 

Yep. Men’s complaints mean something needed to be complained about. Women’s complaints mean they’re bitchy, hysterical, oversensitive, taking things personally, impolite, crazy, nagging, on the rag, or any of a hundred other words and phrases that all effectively mean “shut up and know your place.”

Tell me about it. Let’s not overlook how the fact that Sen. Peterson is a Black woman impacts this situation. As a Black woman, my ‘tone’ is constantly policed, I’m asumed to be angry or aggressive. I can be right as rain, whispering a question while smizing and still get a comment about my attitude. So ol’ boy can

He tells The Advocate that he would have preferred being “politely” informed that the cakes were “disrespectful” rather than being cursed at by Peterson.

The thing is, this graffiti, trolling or not, still contributes to normalisation of open racism. It must still be opposed.

If only trump cared enough about Barron not to run for president... no, joking aside, I feel bad for melania and Barron. No way they asked for this.

I can’t believe I am going to type this next sentence.

Gucci is suing- they’re on track to lose tens of millions by year end if the disruptions keep going.

Midtown businesses are already preparing lawsuits.

None. In fact it’s going to put a YUGE stress on the Secret Service. West wing addressed this in detail with President Elect Santos.

Absolutely correct. And even if you might not win your case, it can’t hurt to keep this stuff documented and even share it with female co-workers as a warning to them.

In Trump’s America, this shit is only going to get worse; more frequent and more brazen.

But she does emphasize the importance of collecting evidence when deciding to bring a suit against a harasser, encouraging women to document instances of abuse as they arise in order to build a strong case.