Gordonium has W blue sky lives

Er... "organic silicone"? Does not compute.

Damn. And with a 40% conversion efficiency, too? This... pleases me.

@liftedngifted1: OH. Got it. Like, "Have you heard the joke about the horse who goes into the Apple Store?" I see. Confusing choice of words, there.

Did you know the one of the horse who goes into the Apple Store?

On the geologic timescale, I guess this constitutes a 1-2 punch. The first distracts, the second is the KO.

Matt BuCanon strikes again! (I just really like the name, so I'll use any excuse to bring it up.)

Want your kid to get beaten up at school? Give 'em one of these.

More importantly: a princess dress and slippers from Disneyland won't make an orphan her parents' daughter again.

I'm surprised nobody's commented on or captioned the image with "oh noes!" Maybe I'm alone in my urge to pair grievous bodily harm with lolspeak.

Also a viable technology in the future: grafting clones of Robert Parker's nose (and tongue?) onto patients, thus giving them super-taste and -smell.

@TanyaRei: Well done! Heart-click for you.

Alright, after reading over that chart in its entirety, I gotta say that I got some good lol's out of it. Thanks, Rosa.

As a[n American] chemist (former), I have to concede: it's aluminium.

@Dukie: Haven't had to use it...............

@Stevox: <3 1970s buzzwords.