
The producer of Natural Born Killers wrote a book about the making of the movie, and she noted Oliver Stone’s “uncanny ability to put his finger exactly where a person is most sensitive” and use it to dismantle them. This is extremely on brand for him.

This is some fine deductive reasoning here. I will buy it.

So here’s my theory on the identities.  It’s a little unclear if the unnamed actress has won any of the three she’s been nommed for. But if we assume she hasn’t won, and if we eliminate those who are deceased, we are left with the following possibles

Joan Allen
Diane Ladd
Angela Landsbury
Piper Laurie
Laura Linney

OK, I believe them.

I love me a McMuffin, but the Croissan’wich is pretty solid. The only problem is the egg. If you could get it with a fresh round egg, it would be great. The Eggnormous burrito is also pretty good--bacon, sausage, egg, cheese, hash browns and a mildy spicy, cream sauce wrapped in a good sized tortilla.

I’m hoping the new one focuses on the food.

I don’t understand their goal. They seem insistent on coming down hard on their biggest fans while not really keeping up with modern gaming technology. 

I don’t like any McD’s breakfast offerings and bagel sandwiches are some of the most overrated sandwiches in the world imho.

The CH’king isn’t a bad chicken sandwich and I’ve always liked their classic “long board” chicken sandwich. The Italian version is something I look forward to eating when it’s out. 

“You’ve made a huge mistake.”

Gtfoh with this bullshit. You know damn well that this story (assuming it’s true) isn’t simply about someone “changing their mind about something.” You also know damn well that if Boebert simply had a “personal opinion” about abortion, there wouldn’t be a problem. Guess what, everyone has a personal opinion about

Must be a real eye-opener to have Gob Bluth tell you you’re being an asshole.

They’re  saying Jimmy John’s sandwiches are bad (false) and that the owner is a big game hunting, Trump supporting douche (true). 

how is he not in jail? i honestly don’t get it. the mom shows her birth certificate and the child’s and the court subpoenas the rapers. then some simple math is done and he goes to jail. i really don’t get it. this is like the most open and shut case. it literally should have happened when the raper came back around

I’m still a bit baffled as to why people are complaining about the larger number of probably barren worlds. Fallout and Elder Scrolls both always, always, always have minor locations filled with almost nothing good or interesting, this is no different, it’s just on a larger scale.Skyrim had dozens of caves and

I still remember the “oh, hey, that’s the girl from Growing Pains!” in my mind when she popped up for a blink-and-you-miss-it role as a waitress in The Avengers.

I found out Ellie is voiced by the youngest daughter on the last two seasons of Growing Pains. Sure she didn’t go on to be as famous as the other late season addition, Leonardo DiCaprio, but she gets lots of work and isn’t a piece of human shit like Kirk Cameron. So good for her!

To be fair they didn't say WHICH Ari. I assume he meant the former white house press secretary. 

If spending thousands doesn’t get you the best loot, does that make the game not pay-to-win?

Wow! I was actually expecting him to be a DLC. I hope we get Usagi Yojimbo as a DLC then.