
Grodd is the principal

I agree with him and glad it was changed. It would have made his trip with Prof X less meaningful.

Where I live there is only one choice.

The majority of goods are still shipped by train and truck so Im not sure what you mean.

I never saw him as bad at being a lawyer because he is incompetent like this article makes it sound. It was always because he was to busy being the hero that he let his real job take a back seat.

I went in with an open mind and I like it. It wasnt the best show from the bunch but it wasnt this terrible train wreck that the masses have been trying to convince me of.

It doesn’t help that people come on sites like this and continue to trash it when they admittedly haven’t watched since s1 ep 3.

I just started uncharted 4 the other day. 5 years ago that would have been day 1 and done. But with two kids now and more demanding work I get to play games when I can. Unless a new socomesque game comes out. Then I might see my kids only at their highscool graduation.

Im not sure how that would work out. It would mean that Luke would had to have been occupied or just got up and left the base after Han died. Because Im sure his nephew would try to seek him out rather than fight Rey.

Wasnt it already established that they would kill anyone that strolled into town? Rick and them had no other solution if they wanted the guns since a face to face would have just ended in a shootout.

I bought all the infinity characters for my child to enjoy. At least thats how I sold it to the wife.

Correct. We will get some tragic backstory that tries to legitimize his dickish behavior.

From what the article states the lawyer correctly believes that any law banning a practice can be repealed. Not that I agree with chimps being a person but that is why they arent just trying to get a law passed.

My guess is that he liked that Ezekial did not resort to violence immediately like his old group. He also found some padawans to teach his cheese philosophy to.

Hello Mr. McCoy. You should go easier on your daughter.

I really wanted to hate this show but I got sucked in by much of the ridiculousness and cant get away.

Counter point: Farts are always hilarious.

Can’t wait for Leto to download ransomware on all his co stars laptops to get in character.

Sabine spin off

Would the not reporting something unless a parent or child came forward be because they were afraid competitive coaches would start making false claims against others? Just trying to figure out the justification.