
@apierion: it's not so much about filtering content though, it's about equal delivery of content, with equal priority, across all platforms. thats what net neutrality means to me, and thats how it should be everywhere. and I'll be damned if two-bit moneymaking operations are going to start charging more for slower

@British_Looks_British_Reliabil...: "No special photography" Are you fucking kidding me? between the cuts, fixed camera shots, trail car shots, closed roads, reverse shots, and fake traffic, this isn't a driving video, it's a fucking advertisement. it sucks.

Volkswagen USA, 2004

@Thorkel: What other self respecting countries have BS agreements like this?

God damn it I hate this country.

I know what the issue is, typical fucking apple, trying to fix what isn't broken to turn a profit. Thanks, Apple, Thanks for fucking over the one place I actually liked to buy music from.

@LoganR: I love phantom. I live in orlando, so I usually go to the one in Daytona, but they also make you sign a form that has some jazz on it about the beach and not lighting fireworks there. I always run before the cops show up though :D

I'd hit it!

Alright, I'm going out on a limb here, but with no hard source, this shot looks exactly like a 3d render.

Saab 90/99/900. Because never before has there been more brand degredation and platform prostitution ever from a car company. Hell, it was like the car progressed through generations backwards. (although I do like the 900 better vs the 90/99)

"Do we need to find a couple of racing drivers, a 911, and a Mini Cooper, and start some shit?"

This car is fucking terrible.

I drive a saab (91 900 turbo) AND a vw (06 jetta) so I never shut the fuck up about my cars. Annoying? yes. but I love my cars! Fuck you!

Just a video, please god, one video.

The two truly lustworthy pieces of mopar in existence today, both destroyed in the same place... Brings a tear to my eye.

@Lotte: Spoiler Alert!

Vauxhall tripped me up the first time, but I got them all in 6:25

@AustinMiniMan: And thats why I'm glad my 06 jetta has the three stalks (blinkers, wipers, cruise control) instead of the new setup which integrates the cruise into the blinker stalk like the audi (which is the same platofom as the jetta/Golf) It's an awesome feature though. My father's E350 has it too. and btw,