Goopplesoft - Reliant Robin of whitenoise

@Pronk: Was about to post this right above you but I'd rather just promote this.

@MaWeiTao: That sheer ignorance since you haven't considered the tank size...

Original article says the comp administered 99% not 90%.

You are famous Rosa :P

This is sick. Come to D.C NOW!

I was about to be a customer.. than I realized that I need one compatible with a blue sun.

No Amazon Prime is the dealbreaker for me.

@JayhawkJake-TheReturn: If jetways are boarding ramps: Didnt airports have to make modifications for the 747? If it ends up becoming popular Airports usually end up accommodating. Plus they can use shuttles and stairs like main (foreign especially) airports do.

Isnt the Northrop Grumman one not usable since the pilot cannot access the rest of the plane?

Alfred is giving me no results on all searches and I performed the troubleshooting.

@Ben Zvan: Yeah I didnt mean the mechanism was the same as a Zamboni (if so they wouldnt be as big as they are)... I was implying that the results are similar. And this has now been confirmed I guess. Thanks.