Goopplesoft - Reliant Robin of whitenoise

Do the acronyms come first or the phrase?

I wish my theater did this on Harry Potter night. I wanted to go on a jump the tools rampage.

@JAlexoid: Yeah. Sql injections dont happen unless you run a query on the variable right? So if you pull the coupon and match it with the entry you shouldnt have an issue right?

@pjc: Yup you are right see other response.

@gnur: Yeah I shoulda been more elaborate. I meant like as your primary defense against little kids who know how to type ' in fields to try to get an injection. Those people likely dont know how to post without the form.

Most of em are CR-48s. Lol.

Lol so now that the security holes are "fixed" are you guys confident enough to call them script kiddies again?

@pseudorocket: Not sure but I believe majority have some sort of php involvement. The following are based in php:

@pseudorocket: If an idiot isnt programming it sql injections shouldnt work.

@Aurailious: Oh shit never thought of it like that. He means atoms within ice.

@dallasmay: Thats the bait then elaborated here: " Oh, and if you lined up the world's three tallest skyscrapers, their collective height would be shorter than this telescope"

What are ice atoms? Does it actually exist or is that an error as I assumed.

@brock.overcash: Innovation isnt a good word for it, since its not innovation.

@kasika: Apple is making one hell of a mind fuck with this one. lol.

So the iPhone is an over sized iPad.

haha pretty witty video.

@Lord_Data ∞: Yeah I was joking a bit since bikes are classified as vehicles. But the thing is a minimum speed limit should be established for those guys. If you are a fat guy trying to get in shape by bicycling please gtfo the road and hit a trail. If you are lance armstrong about to go to the tour de france stay