Goopplesoft - Reliant Robin of whitenoise

@Robb Nunya: I was referring to property tax percentage. Its 1% here.

@AngryPandaBrigade: Really? Never knew navy sent people on trips to europe...

OMG... I've never seen something on this calibre of insanity.

Dear Dude on Craigslist,

@Robb Nunya: 1% over here. How is it down there?

@kerry: Fair enough. Its just the video made me think that what if the dna shifts on that micro tray then every thing shifts over one.

"He's probably very happy with the sale, but I'm sure the buyer is much happier: The same watch with a different wristband was sold for $100,000 at an auction in 2008. "

@truthtellah: haha you are good at this commenting game. I read this one and was like "Did he just say something I said well played to?"

@truthtellah: well played. Remember that scene too.

@dr.sau: Oh ok. So when they say humans and chimps have a genetic variance of 2 percent.... isn't a minimal margina of error critical?

I wonder if there is a margin of error for these things...

@fujii13: The manage medical uses of lasers and consumer lases fall under it too.

@iFarbs: It falls under the bigger category of laser uses. Medical included.

@CrispyAardvark: Not a 250k person market... I can guarantee that much.

@zjgz: Definitely a bullshit estimation.