Goopplesoft - Reliant Robin of whitenoise

@commander_k: The question is if they uncovered such documents on another country would they release it...

@Volanova: Henry Kissinger is the epitome of dirty politics but none the less he may be right. Even if he is right its interesting to see how this now publicized fact will be treated.

@Volanova: Oh they have a concept of what they are realeasing... not only were they directly told by the US administration about the dangers but they were told. The even went as far as calling it something like a new era in history.

@Akio Morita: 98% of the time you the local station isn't on the same power line as you.

@Slinkytech: Burn ins and different technology.

@inverts: Shit... thats 120k... I'd follow for 2 years with my long ago violin skils (I = no income college student).

My wallet weeps the tune of negative 1.2 million dollars.

@Tim the Enchanter: You have to go to a bunch of malls across a bunch of states at the same time to get a good population sample.

Now playing

Update: In addition to my comment below... you can

Cant you just put a battery on it and the same thing would happen?

@aceman08: You are a UMDer too? Nice.

LMAO... I go to UMD. Terps fo life.