Goopplesoft - Reliant Robin of whitenoise

Wait why'd they stop playing and start talking?

@FooFighting: Yeah still the fact that it matches the veyron at the price is ridiculous... to bad I wont have the balls to drive it on the streets.

Ariel Atom does it in 2.5 so does the Veyron ( [] )... Based on their faces... that car is def worth the 40k.

Fuccckkkk that. Even with the free iPad... they are camping for 1 week and 2 days.

I hate reality. I have 2 Dvds I havent switched for nearly 2 months. I havent been streaming either.

Jesus' photo needs a "Muahahhahaa" in there.

@robfagen: Yeah I usually go "oh no he fucking didn't" when I see the words "Humanity has "

@sassafras_: Well it sucked. IMO. It was the story of Frodo.

@sassafras_: But doesnt the relative size of objects its viewing matter too? Kinda like if you are really close to the object the eyes have to be further apart to get it in full 3d.

@sassafras_: haha.. Im tired. Saw a bunch of UK/accent in HP7. Want to know if its as hyped there as here.

@shibbybypass: Not the kinda thing I'd email a editor about...

Kat how's life from UK doing? Have you seen harry yet?

Funny I always imagined the two lenses being quite a bit further apart.

"Everything but the color; this is America, and we don't do that here."