Goopplesoft - Reliant Robin of whitenoise

@Gary_7vn: Nope. They cant damage your luggage if you dont have it locked.

Remember those times you wanted to actually have a suitcase you can stuff with stuff? Well they're over too!

No tips credit?

they shoulda used roygbiv

Repost? Furthermore, the old post said the 5trillionth digit was 2... []

@OCGuy: Obviously he isnt being tricky.....

So you didnt hear about the merger...?

@singlecoilpickup: Relax... its multisourced. This is just logitech being retarded.

@TheNr24: or a question response...

@moonshadowkati: yea the first thing that came to my mind is how much they'd have to pay me... but i still wouldnt do it.

How do you train for this kinda thing? I'd get worn out 1/4 way through.

Wow... Im getting nervous watching this thing...

@GitEm$teveDave: Oh that makes sense and is funny. As you were lad.

@♥ Goopplesoft Now: Since I cant edit: Then I read pre programmed and the excitement went away.

Ah man I got excited about voice recognition...