Goopplesoft - Reliant Robin of whitenoise

This is off topic but I do not understand why dropbox such a popular company gives a shit 2 gigs of storage.

@Stem_Sell: wtf... this is non seussian...

@ddhboy: The main headline would be whether amazon gets new movies and doesnt have to wait a while like netflix does.

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.1: Yeah dude. But prime also makes them sooo much money. Ever since I had prime like a year ago my order history at amazon has been crazy.

@ossuary: Sometime's bundled is a good thing. If they dont raise the price of Prime which is already well worth its price (and students like me get i free) then they can bundle w/e else they want into it.

@jagowar: Yeah netflix has a bit of a lag.

Great idea considering students can get free prime accounts.

Zune unlimited type thingy.

The issue with molten lead or even liquid nitrogen in this case is that even after you pull out there is alot of residue still on your hand continuing to do damage. So you have to rinse your hand almost immediately.

@TheAlp: Exactly. Or a pool in a box. God it could even become a weapon.

@randomgerbil: Actually thats what they tell people so they actually do it. The good amount for muscle gain/weight loss is usually 1 gallon (about 4 liters) of water a day. Water intoxication occurs at much higher levels.

@Purple Dave: Ah however nano technology implemented in said devices will do a paripheral scan to see how many of said particles are present and how much space is left in the stomach at the time of expansion. Also would take into consideration the hydration levels. After analysis is done they expand appropriately.

I want some sort of water where I can put a grain of it in my stomach and it expands to 1 liter.

@Buzz Mega: As suggested by the article. Am I missing something?

@Stem_Sell: Do you really talk seussish all the time?

Just contact a balemic society...

@tekdemon: We do do it here (if you are referring to the usa).

@jetRink: Just looked up murder and I did not know that "unlawful" was part of the definition. Thanks for educating me today.