
Yeah sorry as a former sex worker you should be ashamed of that past. You want a guy to marry you do give out the milk for free. Sage age old wisdom never fails. Despite what ultra lefty women try to jam into your head.

You biased against Canada?

Whats your social security number?

Yes, because I need you (unknown stranger) to vet me in a Kinja online discussion board. Hint Hint it may be Canadien.

True, the University helped me design it and create the program.

I knew you thought my argument was to good to beat. Punctuation monitioring on the internet is for the bland people to worry about.

Im making a point about what I see as the Left telling people, especially black people, that they cant succeed and that they wont ever make it because “its structurally set up that way.”

Roll Tide

Tears of Joy my friend

How come I go to Church with families that immigrated here and barely speak english and have a wife and 2+ kids and they have a middle class lifetstyle and own a house? If we are a racist people how do these people KILL IT when they arrive with nothing. Stop looking at color and start looking at attitude and skill

How come I go to Church with families that immigrated here and barely speak english and have a wife and 2+ kids and they have a middle class lifetstyle and own a house? If we are a racist people how do these people KILL IT when they arrive with nothing. Stop looking at color and start looking at attitude and skill

Yes we will

And Hillary always tells the truth. You won me over with that line.

Dont hate my hard work.

I did it on the side baby. Piece of cake.

Keep insulting us. We will win

Thanks. I like that one man can do so much damage to the snowflakes like you. Truth is the Truth and showing some strength is important now. BTW lots and lots of minorities I work with are all about Trump. They love his no taxes under 50K income barrier and that he is rich and successful. They see through the lies.

Yes, society would judge ME the idiot in this conversation. Calling names is so small. Are you a millennial?

Yeah, Im a careless idiot who hates people thats why I put in a decade to help cure people from Cancer. Keep going you Manhattan moron. Lets middle America fix this problem and give us a guy (who may be flawed) but isnt a corrupt political system junkie and we should be fine. Ohhhh Noooooo he says bad things about

This sounds racist. Go rant about your vote plantation somewhere else.