
Poser? Lol nice one!

It also can ride on a square set up of 275's but even then Hellcats use skinny baby tires just like Camaros and Mustangs. I don't get why a RWD car wouldn't use staggered WIDE rear rubber for traction or goo luck putting down the power. 

Unfortunately if it’s anything like the C7's auto it will be awful

I agree on all accounts since my G05 x5 is nearly identical but optioned better. The seats are fantastic, in fact, I don’t know how anyone wouldn’t buy the car after sitting in them

Meanwhile, my G05 X5 50i runs more aggressive tires at 275/40R21 and 315/35R21 which is sad.

Taller sidewall = less sporty driving due to the rubber shifting under hard corners since they’re so tall. I don’t like super low profile tires but suspensions have dramatically improved thanks to this new trend

It’s fancy crystal though lol I have it in my X5

A drillship? Sounds about right given how ‘smart’ he is... /s

I never liked the F15 grill, their G01 X3 (which I had as an M40i) was nearly a perfect size. I get the drastic change side of things though

Do you own one? You can’t really be the judge without A: seeing one in person, B: show me a luxury SUV without a moderately sized grill in this class, Lexus nope, Lincoln nope, Audi nope, Mercedes nope etc BMWs is actually small and well proportioned compared to the F15 X5 which looked way too small. 

Don’t own one out of warranty, problem solved

Properly maintained vehicles are generally fine with a few exceptions. 

I hope it really looks like this so Tesla can fall even further into obscurity 

I had the chrome one but seeing how I hate chrome I purchased an OEM painted grill.

Why complain about something you’ll never buy? I have a G05 X5 50i which also gets hate for the “huge” grill but honestly it’s not that big. The grill suits the body very well.

It’s not a POS

Seems to drive like all BMWs, control the slide with the gas :)

I wouldn't touch one if it were free. Give me an M2 6MT for that price and we can all be happy

I live in a palace where bridge strikes are common yet 99% of the time drivers flee on foot or in their vehicle. The bridge which is on an interstate gets messed up for months and causes everyone a headache. They're going to install this truck killing beams finally so I can't wait for the fucking idiots to get

The one where you automatically use your left foot and right arm to control