
It's a good thing because BMW interiors are better than anything Toyota has been churning out lately. 

I rather have a Z4 for that price range than the Supra because let's be honest the BMW looks better 

I disagree, BMW makes some damn good SAVs, particularly the X3 M40i and new X5. I'm sure the new X3M and X5M will stick with tradition the right way

Even though I live in Texas I hand wash my car every week like clockwork. Even after a year the paint still looks great and swirl free which can’t be said of most cars after their first wash....

Indeed, the Z4 M40i looks much better 

Except they are because electricity comes from places they'd rather not admit. Let's not forget where plastic comes from or anything in their makeup, oh wait fossil fuels yet again so there's no avoiding them. 

That is very true. I highly doubt most Americans can safely handle those speeds like in Germany. 

I've never been in an at fault accident, gotten a speeding ticket etc so I disagree. 

I agree, there are safe ways to drive at a higher rate of speed

While your sarcasm is quite funny, I think you missed my point. 

Its almost like you didn't read my whole comment... I'm not 18, or anywhere near that age nor did I make my dumb choices (see how I'm acknowledging that as in my comment) and I did not condone doing such things. Please reread my initial post before commenting again. I'm not here to play who's a bigger keyboard

See above 

It was a figure of speech for the record. As I mentioned which most people failed to read: This was in an area remote enough that if I crashed no one would find me for days. I would never do such a dumb thing around anyone because I have no right putting others in harms way. If I can see 10+ miles in all directions

Personally I don’t think speeding is the problem, it’s drivers who can’t properly handle the speeds they’re going. If you’re able to safely drive X speed and are a competent driver then you’re halfway there. Other drivers on the road are what should limit you because they’re unpredictable. I’m not condoning what he

The younger generation is equally guilty when using it to 'bling' up their rides. I agree with you 100%, this tend needs to stop

With the amount of chrome on any American truck or 'luxury' sub (Yukon, Escalade etc) I think most people would be surprised to hear that!

Perhaps their design is the issue if Chrome was needed to fix it

Chrome has been and always will be tacky. I don't know why Americans are obsessed with Chrome. Everytime I see a chromed our truck, sedan or SUV it makes me cringe. 

No sane person would spend this much on a glorified Ford over the much better European luxobarges

I wonder how BMWs laser lights will be rated on the new G05 X5. My X3 M40i has good scores but those are just normal adavtive full LED units