Jared Chambers

That's a big leap to make.

Maybe it's more of an homage.

I hope they do a Korean Drama parody next!

There have definitely been telenovelas with a Western-style setting, though I don't know if I'd call them "Spaghetti Westerns" at all.

I'm an adopted mexican, if that counts!

Should have gone with some green hair for NES legitness.

Word. I think the mashup of 'Wetter' and 'With or Without You' on "On and On" (… is comparable to (but not as good as) Juicy + Tiny Dancer.

What kind of television do you use? The difference between bluray and netflix should be pretty obvious.

I disagree with some of the technical aspects cited as reasons for choosing physical media over digital streams, especially since both share many of the same problems and bottlenecks.

The usual things I hear people mention are the bus at the beginning and the complicated nature of Joker's plan to get into the MCU. I don't really agree with the second complaint but the first one is a plot hole, though I do like to entertain the thought that Gotham is so corrupt that even the bus drivers are on the

That's exactly what happened.


Also, he's from the ATL.


You left out "another" in that sentence.

So, ankle deep?

What's your plan for getting content from studios that don't want to move away from DVD's and Blurays?

Try telling anyone who's seen the movie, but not read the comics, that it was a giant fake squid attacking New York and see if they don't laugh. The concept is inherently silly, even in a superhero story."

Well, after just having every major city blown the fuck up by Dr. Manhattan, do you think people would really decide 'oh, we must rally our troops and launch an attack!'? It's kind of out of whack with priorities.

Ironic when the right constantly uses cancer as a metaphor.