Jared Chambers

Well, yeah, an Audi is better (and I'd prefer it) but that doesn't invalidate that the TL is a good car.

I like the new TL's <_<

Oh, you think this peacock can't fly? YOU FUCKING TRYING TO KEEP THE PEACOCK FROM FLYING?

Don't forget the funnest part of all: New World Order conspiracies!

Bane was defeated by Azrael (who uses a powersuit) and not Batman. Even without the Venom, Bane is stronger than Batman and can beat him in hand-to-hand combat. As far as intelligence goes, he's at least as smart as Batman (he's an expert in several science fields, fluent in a bunch of languages, and some other stuff)

Dent wasn't the ideal citizen, he had a dubious nature (the two-faced coin, his role at internal affairs) that parallels Batman's, hence why he sympathizes and endorses Batman and eventually makes his deal with Gordon and Batman. The distinction between Dent and Batman is that his mask is his persona as the ideal

The majority of Batman's rogues gallery consist of villains that aren't a physical match for him and are generally a foil.

It's not hard to read the plot line any other way when the 'neocon defense' reading is only a small part of the equation in which the neocon tactics are ultimately shown to be ineffective and disastrous for both Batman and Gotham (the loss of Dent) and Bruce Wayne (the loss of Dawes). There are other elements to

Actually, I can: He was a professional troll.

Libations go back, dawg!

Damn the curse, taking Robinson in the springtime of his life!


The "offer" is just to avoid occupying the living room at the same time. That's the joke.

Why are you posting on AV Club, Dad?

"And if you want, I'll be happy to explain how Buffy and Twilight are basically the exact same plot."This is the reason reductionist readings have been out of vogue in academia since the 60's/70's.

This is like Harold Bloom on awesome. +1. Would read again.

But the Twilight books are nothing like trashy romance novels <_<

"But consider this for one moment: Once you get past all those eardrum-shattering shrieks of adoration, who are Twi-hards harming?"

Nope, you don't need a account. However, I believe the artist needs to have listenable tracks on