Sam Saper

Yeah, McNutt is pretty great, but Teti's reviews are very different from most on this site: He mostly talks about content of the show, not the quality, but he does it so hilariously that it makes it even better than most of the reviews. It will be interesting to see if McNutt analyses the show for entertainment and

No, no, absolutely, I was just pointing out that Todd does this in 9/10 of his reviews.

I look at ryan gosling photoshops because they're flush left.
You look at ryan gosling photoshops because you're left flush!

"Here's a little insight into the process of the critic: a good way to do a review? Start with an absurd, over-the-top statement. Then defend that statement, with examples, in such a way that its absurdity seems not ridiculous but entirely plausible." OH MY GOD HOW DID YOU GET IN VANDERWERFF'S MIND??

Also, seriously, is nobody going to point out that they totally just took children's book series "The Sisters Grimm," split it into 2, and made the two halves into this and Grimm? Fairy tale detectives? Town with curse that makes all the fairy-tale people unable to leave? Wise relative tells that they're ancestors of

This comment IS tv in fall 2011.


"Doc Cottle" is also Dutch on Soap, which is what I immediately thought when I saw him…


Henry Mancini is 12 oz. Monster energy drink and 12 oz. absinthe (??)

This is an exellent tool to find out if the bands you like are hipster bands! Out of the top ten 2010 albums on pitchfork, only two (ariel pink, vampire weekend) are hipster bands!

Poop, I accedentaly misread a word.

So Community only got a B for the timeline ep?

Cue dubbed-in darth vader NOOOO.

I think It's the Mr. Peabody one, though that actually sounds the best, as long as it's 2D

Mmmmmm, peaness.

Hey, you're from Yahoo. We don't like your type down this way.

So's a morning boner.

I'm not familiar with the familiar, but plus county-things for word-line put-togetherity and good-feelness letter-group picking-taste.