
The overly-anxious parenting that you describe is so harmful, and also the parents who believe that their kids only want something done in a certain way. "She won't eat the sandwich if you don't cut it into heart shapes!" No, she will eat the sandwich, you're just instilling in her obsessive tendencies because you

Yes - the high school parents sometimes bring out the real helicopter guns right before their kids go to college, when they're struggling with the separation and need something more controllable to be a focus of their attention.

The point is to learn the material.

Fortunately, he doesn't listen to them when I'm around, probably because I never fail to imitate Chris Martin.

He likes Coldplay.

Wait, you can be excused from homicide if you commit it in the "heat of passion"? What is this, Italy?

She is just stunning.

Is that Bob Fossil from the Mighty Boosh?

I'm with you there. I was quite offended when someone asked me if I had been the "Daria" of my high school. Sadly hit close to home as I also have no inflection in my voice.

I think the hair loss or tooth decay dreams are probably a basic fear of mortality, disease and aging.

I am wholeheartedly against the idea of photographing childbirth. The whole thing is revolting. I do not need anyone to see my bloated and pain-wracked body as it rips in two to release a tiny wrinkled human.

In the video, they also say there are 16th and 17th century texts in which people describe how things should be pronounced too - they actually write about how the R should be pronounced.

Now playing

There are some videos where actors have tried to recreate the accent, contrasted with the modern accent. (skip ahead to 3 minutes) -

Not to be all nerdy, but -their accent has changed over the past 400 years, as has ours. The non-rhotic accent that they speak with is merely a modern trend, and I won't have it.

Apparently you don't know a lot about British traditions! That's not a "town crier." That's clearly a pirate.

I have had a lot of UTIs, and cranberry supplements have never worked for me to cure it. I haven't tried this one though.

Yeah, but that's the thing about monarchies - you don't get to choose. Even if the whole country hated him, there would be no reason for him to abdicate. Prince Phillip can run around referring to Chinese people as "slitty-eyed" or making fun of Indians, and people get annoyed, but what does he care if people are

There is still a sizable contingent of hereditary peers in the house of lords, who won the right to influence policy because their ancestors were successful at murdering. They've changed the rules about hereditary positions, but they're still not elected positions. The queen is still the head of state, and even if she

Why would anyone abdicate? This has happened only once in the entire history of England, unless there's some medieval situation I'm forgetting about. I don't know why people think the queen would stop reigning before her death or why Charles would be "skipped."

Until about a few days ago, I thought everyone was talking about this Chris Evans: