
You’ll play six hours of pre-Kentucky Derby footage but you can’t broadcast women’s soccer?

Now playing

Olbermann lit him up pretty thoroughly, too. Dude works for SI, for god’s sake. Even if he’s ignorant enough to believe something like that, you’d think he’d have the sense of self preservation to keep it off Twitter.

Dear butthurt SC racists,

Stop shaming the crochet crowd. Everybody knows it’s a hookers life.

told BuzzFeed that she’s an artist who “think[s] outside the box.”

Wondering why there was no immediate evacuation after the first attack.

Nick got interviewed on a youth current affairs radio show last night. Listeners sent in feedback texts afterwards that the host read out. My favourites were "I went to high school with Nick. He was a chump then and he's a chump now" and "Please tell Nick to give himself an uppercut."

Last story got me teary. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

i agree with this and i think it’s unfair in a lot of cases—like, i don’t think an employment history that includes a year of stripping (or a pinterest board that talks about loving booze, or something) has any bearing on a teacher’s ability to teach. but this strikes me as something that would very obviously prevent

Can you even IMAGINE how jealous Titus is?

Yeah....I scrolled down the comments and when I got to yours, I said, Yeah. That’s what I feel. I don’t want to watch a woman get brutalized (even though it’s a performance) because it’s too disturbing. I like what she’s doing though...and I even kind of like the whole consent thing she attached to it.

GUYZ I’m checking so many off my list already (*◕‿◕*)

  • Find a peach that looks exactly like your butt; eat that peach

Me too. Now I’m glad I can obsess about something new!

I can think of 56 things right now that would taste better than skinny feels, starting with sharing this pizza with this BAMF kitteh.

I actually would never make an argument that the Amish are a cult because Amish people encourage their children to go out and experience the secular world and all of its temptations during "Rumspringa."

Sorry, you lost me at the idea that living in an ultra-religious household that considers homosexuality as worthy of death (yay Biblical morals!) isn't detrimental to the psyche of a gay kid.