I could be totally wrong here, so feel free to put me in my place, but I thought Comic Relief was a U.K. thing. Has it started in the U.S. too?
I could be totally wrong here, so feel free to put me in my place, but I thought Comic Relief was a U.K. thing. Has it started in the U.S. too?
No problem. We’r currently at a resort in Mexico... drinks are on me. 😺
Mm... a 12 year-old might look older, but not 18... so real rape or simulated, worthy of a call.
I’m jealous of your ignorance. I want to quit Facebook so bad, but I’ve lived so many places, it’s not feasible to keep up with everyone otherwise.
Fuck. I need another drink.
When you watch Facebook live, it is ABSOLUTELY clear that it’s live
Not sure that you were losing sleep over it, but saw Get Out and it was soooo good! 😸
If when you make moves heading south, and a girl doesn’t like it, or it’s not the right day for her to feel comfortable with that, she’ll probably let you know. You should test out that enthusiastic fingering with some peach licking at the same time! Check in periodically for feedback. Even a simple: Do you like that?…
Too many rugs, and Miley needs to take care of that weird toenail situation.
But it was funny & serious! Humans are the only mammals that drink milk after infancy. The only reason people don’t know they’re lactose intolerant is because they are either used to the symptoms and think they’re normal, or they have built of a bit of a resistance that will go away as soon as they avoid milk for a…
Nalla & Yoda would totally save us. We give really nice treats. Then again, Nalla has good looks, and Yoda charm, so maybe not.
My husband’s Irish, but sometimes I make him do my favourite accent - Ewan McGregor. Aaaand sometimes he surprises me to better the odds.
Try Monsoon. Lovely, lovely dresses. They have a decent amount of bigger sizes.
He needs to 100% get that spot on his face checked out. The one on his left cheek. Not his whole face. Well, maybe that too. But yeah - that spot on his left cheek doesn’t look good to me.
Thanks for the deets. I will definitely see it this weekend. SO will be DELIGHTED. For the record - I don’t mind gore (Tarantino any day) but shit like the Exorcist - yeah, no. My sister made me watch horror movies/Tales from the Dark Side when I was waaaay too young, and I have yet to recover. :o)
I hate horror films, so opted out when it first came out. But, having heard that it’s not like that (thank you) I’m gonna see it this week, after exams. Yay!
It’s cool! It’s cool! No one’s going to go broke from this!***
I love mine! They’re warmer than the cotton ginch I normally wear, but it is period time, so it always feels warmer anyway. I have the original full-sized ones. I recommend them to everyone... was even looking at buying some of the cuter new ones.
Thanks! I’ve seen a decent amount of these, but tend to avoid Tom Cruise. On your recommendation, I will add these to my list of must watch.
1. That is revolting.