this guy?
this guy?
I'm gonna go ahead and not feed the troll because I really can't tell if you're that much of an ignorant dumbfuck or you're actually trolling.
From a financial standpoint Kotick is the dream CEO. from a gamer's standpoint he's the fucking antichrist (he actually is). Riccitiello is another god forsaken retard that decided to milk it's franchises into the ground. His utter ruining of the BF franchise has made me hate him more than anyone else. Hey guys, let's…
the game is nowhere near balanced, matchmaking is still nonexistent. valve's version of matchmaking is to keep you at a 50% win ratio
Owen, it's an MGS game. go on neogaf if you want true detective work
yes, drunk. awesome.
most likely their avatars
now you gotta add upvotes. MOAR UPVOTES!
we'll have to get used to it. it has far less bugs than 5.no
ask Valve. They're laughing all the way to the bank
No offense to you Kotaku, I know it's a slow news day, but does this story really warrant that title?
this guy still wins.
every single UE3 game i've played looks all plasticky. too much specular highlighting going on for my taste.
I wish the banhammer was still wielded at Kotaku
would have not would of.
The NSX is dead. Long live the NSX.