Walter Rohrl's Left Foot says save the manuels

Team Lotus. The end.

and here I thought you all lived in your basements and looked like this

can someone photoshop an alitalia or pirelli livery so i can fap furiously?

@Mr_Quackers: Which they can then sell you as a $2k "option"

Nobody trusts us, but we have angered the Putin. We won't like the Putin when he's angry...

wait a second. That isn't a premium car, why does it have an interior?

screw the TSA. Israel is way more targeted than the US, and they don't use this shit.

haha I'm in a couple of those pictures.

nuff said

i'm trying to think of something witty to say about it but I can't.

so Ford builds cars for people that know nothing about cars.

@maximum_sarge: Well, you are getting old. But I completely agree

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it seems you have found our pocket camera. please return or you will be assimilated

WHAT THE F IS THIS! I'M NOT LIKE THAT!! screw you Gizmodo! i'm speechless

can we bring back the death penalty for things like this?