
I was raised Lutheran. I never was a so-called 'true believer' but I accepted the existence of this specific Protestant brand of God as a fact because all of the adults (and some friends) were telling me that it was true.

A Serious House on Serious Earth. It was, as Louis CK would say, wonderful.

A Serious House on Serious Earth. It was, as Louis CK would say, wonderful.

Anyone here have thoughts on Johnen Vasquez's Johnny The Homicidal Maniac? I reread it this weekend. First time in many years.

Anyone here have thoughts on Johnen Vasquez's Johnny The Homicidal Maniac? I reread it this weekend. First time in many years.

After seeing The Dark Knight Rises on friday, I spent a lot of the weekend with some graphic novels such as Arkham Asylum and Jhonen Vasquez's JTHM (the latter I haven't read since early high school a long time ago). So yeah.

After seeing The Dark Knight Rises on friday, I spent a lot of the weekend with some graphic novels such as Arkham Asylum and Jhonen Vasquez's JTHM (the latter I haven't read since early high school a long time ago). So yeah.

Oh, Nemo.. why ya gotta be found all the time, buddy?

Oh, Nemo.. why ya gotta be found all the time, buddy?

@avclub-749a8e6c231831ef7756db230b4359c8:disqus  Hurrah!

@avclub-749a8e6c231831ef7756db230b4359c8:disqus  Hurrah!

@avclub-749a8e6c231831ef7756db230b4359c8:disqus It sounds like you're talking about default understandings of gender, not sexuality, but I'm prepared to be wrong.

@avclub-749a8e6c231831ef7756db230b4359c8:disqus It sounds like you're talking about default understandings of gender, not sexuality, but I'm prepared to be wrong.

See, this is the exact reason where I could see these delineations being useful, since there are a lot of intolerant viewpoints such as the ones you've outlined.

See, this is the exact reason where I could see these delineations being useful, since there are a lot of intolerant viewpoints such as the ones you've outlined.

@avclub-749a8e6c231831ef7756db230b4359c8:disqus  I think that's a wonderful (sorry…) way of looking at things. With one small caveat in that there are no actual default setting, unless you're referring to constructed ideas that have become ingrained so as to function as—and appear to be—defaults. It's just frustrating

@avclub-749a8e6c231831ef7756db230b4359c8:disqus  I think that's a wonderful (sorry…) way of looking at things. With one small caveat in that there are no actual default setting, unless you're referring to constructed ideas that have become ingrained so as to function as—and appear to be—defaults. It's just frustrating

Well no, not entirely arbitrary. No more so than other fairly arbitrary things. And I doubt I could say it's totally useless either. I'd argue it's a hindrance in terms of equality, but I'm really interested in hearing more about what you think, if you'd like to discuss it more. And not in a "Your ideas are intriguing

Well no, not entirely arbitrary. No more so than other fairly arbitrary things. And I doubt I could say it's totally useless either. I'd argue it's a hindrance in terms of equality, but I'm really interested in hearing more about what you think, if you'd like to discuss it more. And not in a "Your ideas are intriguing

Allow me to take this opportunity to not mean to come on to you but accidentally kinda do, officially. This is either the time or place for such behaviour!