
Don't think this has shown up on the main page yet.

I don't know what my hurry was!

@avclub-7aee1b75b527e215f31e20a5c4e7a768:disqus should cover Clone High in between seasons of The Sopranos. Possibly? At thirteen episodes and 2 per week, it could be… fun.

That ain't no way to Disqus!

Music criticism for all!
Very well. No music criticism for anyone!
Music criticism for some, miniature American flags for others!

I don't know if it really has been doing much. I was really worried about the Peter erasing back in the finale, not because I really like the character but because the strength of Fringe has always the father/son relationship and so far the season has become aimless without it.

I think that @avclub-9096e8758d06ca09f42272ec19698d17:disqus  has managed to find one of the few salvageable moments in this episode. Anybody else thinking of quitting the show now/soon/in the past because they already have?

I knew the comments on this would be nothing but praise.

Alcohol is making all these comments sound the same.

I, too, had a big, stupid grin on my face while watching The Hour.

I just want my kids back!

I am already regretting asking this but how did you usually handle him?

That's what America has always meant.

I wonder how many times they say the title of the show…
*puts on sunglasses*
…in the actual show.

Well said!

A Serious Man is definitely one of their best, if not the best.

Episodes 4 through 12 of Rubicon were mostly fantastic. I miss that show. Damn you, The Killing and The Walking Dead.

His essay "E Unibus Pluram" in A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again is fantastic. One of his best works.

I meant coffee beans.

One of the best Chris/Andy moments was when Andy spilled the coffee. Probably the only time we've seen Chris actually upset or maybe even a little mad.