
Yeah, movies are real life.

"they didn't know it was such a widespread problem before it hit the media." Yes they did. They really did know it was a problem. But that begs the better question, why are so many religious men pedophiles? You think their strong beliefs would prevent them from committing the worst crime.

He should feel inadequate. He is letting down his asian race.

Well yeah they use a lot of money. Think of all the parents they have to pay off so they do not report that a priest molested their kid.

"he isn't heavy handed enough to rein in the rampant heresy spreading throughout the Church" BAHAHAHA. There are people that actually take the pope and stuff seriously? That is sad.


But some people can really never tell if yogurt/milk is spoiled or if that is the way its supposed to smell.

Well people use solo cups for alcohol because usually a lot of people need cups, and there are not enough non disposable cups for the whole party. Plus you usually would not want people at a party leaving your regular cups outside or in other random places.

Hmm, because they are disposable and you spend more money using them than just using a non disposable cup.

Because regular cups can't be used for that?

Why don't you just use regular cups... That is what they are for, you know...

when you use red solo cups for anything besides alcohol. Who uses disposable cups for anything else?

Damn I live 5 min form there, but if its just a mailbox...

Uh, not really. Blacking out a couple times from drink does not make you an alcoholic.

yeah no legal way besides the free streaming that was legally provided by nbc....

faaiiilllllll bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzttttttttttt

"You still don't understand what you're talking about and yet you keep saying you're right." That is literally what you are doing, not me. So until you know what you are actually talking about, there is no use to continue this discussion. Good luck with that horrible GPA.

I am repeating what they told me...So I am sorry that you just told me that what I am saying is right.

Stop white knighting a 9 year old. What are you? A pedophile?

I guess that the people who administered the test did not know what they are talking about....Yeah, that sounds more plausible than you just being an internet tard.