
yeah, its kind of lolzy how often they do this and make fun of their own staff.

Dressage was not used to train horses to fight, it was used by the aristocracy in their infinite search for something to spend money and time on. Its a myth that the moves they are trained in which they rear up are for war. Even if they did this in a battle, it would expose their weak undersides to weapons proving

Possibly. This new one just makes so much more sense logically.

Its really, "Why is Alpharetta shaking? Because its so close to Cumming."

It is actually. Why is Alpharetta shaking? Because its so close to Cumming.

Its true that it is bad that it happened, but without slavery we would not have become the world power house like we did. And you would probably not have your Raiders Football Team

Yeah, I do understand what you are saying. Idk, its just some people are better than things are automatically. You are able to understand things better in your mind and you just do it easier. The main point is, as long as you have fun with a game then its all good.

I guess it just depends on your natural skill. My brother and I have just been naturally skilled in video games, easily getting very skilled vast and rising in ladders no matter what the game. But then there are people who think Pinata Island is hard.

Seen coke cut straight off the block, its not crystalline like this.

Well a singleplayer being easy and a multiplayer being easy are two totally different things.

PC's run almost all tech, its just that Windows and Mac run different software.

No, it literally is an easy game to get into. Read a basic guide on how game works, takes 15min-hour (if retarded). Play game. My 13 year old sister who only plays neopets now plays this game. I had her read a basic guide, watch me play for a couple hours, and now she is stomping noobs. Its such a simply easy

I am just...idk...laughing at your post right doesnt seem right...but..its hilarious. I mean... really??? Your point of

Don't fall off YOUR high horse. You are acting superior to him because he is remarking on the known easiness of LoL, and that it is funny and sad they need to make it easier. Now if he was remarking that making Dwarf Fortress or Demon's Souls easier, than you could make your comment.

herp derp everything I saw as a younger person has to be better than what they make now.

Well, basically what I am saying is that there are various examples throughout nature of both of our points of view being right. Due to some ways things have been classified, pure africans would be a different species. But due to other things that have been classified, they would not be. I guess science needs to

Yeah, not many besides paying for my apartment, car, insurance, taxes, etc.

"That would only be true if we couldn't breed with each other anymore." Um, but its already been shown that 2 different species can breed with each other and produce fertile offspring. So how does that 100% determine whether we are 2 different species...?

Saving up for it takes a couple days of working a shit minimum job. Not a lot of time and not hard at all.

"So your argument that "pure africans" would be a seperate species only hold true if you go by entirely physical classifications, which are no longer the norm." Ok, but you said now it is determined by genetic sequencing. Since it is now shown that purely African people would have different genetics/dna, would that