
Peter Cinn.

Batroc will be making an appearance in the Cap sequel, I believe. But otherwise I totally agree.

I'm really impressed with how Sex Criminals has been playing to non-comics readers. Two of my friends (one male, one female) I'd never anticipate having a desire to read a comic picked up my copy and walked away loving the book and wanting to read the second issue.

One of my favorites is The Social Network's 'fuck-you flip-flops!'

Saw the movie last night. I'm having an interesting time reacting to it in the sense of "did I enjoy this or not." For me, the film is arguably one of the most important films of this year (I'd say the  other most important film would be Django) and I'm certainly glad it exists.

Saw the movie last night. I'm having an interesting time reacting to it in the sense of "did I enjoy this or not." For me, the film is arguably one of the most important films of this year (I'd say the  other most important film would be Django) and I'm certainly glad it exists.