i had a great first go at the game today at lunch, my first solo dub in any BR! I really like it and I bet there’s some strategies that I didn’t think of yet.
i had a great first go at the game today at lunch, my first solo dub in any BR! I really like it and I bet there’s some strategies that I didn’t think of yet.
Fahey please tell me you’ve played the first level of Wolfenstein 2
yay cross play
if you’re keen to try meditation, try headspace.com/the headspace app it guides really well.
breath of the wild was an amazing exception to this
cutscenes in games usually look better than the games themselves, and both the cutscene and the game are both “in-engine”. the smoothness of that trailer has a lot to do with animation too.
now i’ll start the melody on the organ!
this was the mazzura governor BEFORE this guy, cant make this up, he blackmailed a woman with naked photos of her tied up. but watch this campaign ad and know this is what mazzura votes for:
its ok bro, let’s just make a bunch of accounts AHEAD of time to pwn the libs. i can NEVER let something go!
was it this guy
hes gonna drop pence anyway and blame covid on him
zuck let a genocide happen on his platform, he doesnt care
what was jason thinking?? we DESERVE this game to be OUT right NOW!
good for him!
go to her island and cut her trees down. muhahahaha
its perfect - borderlands 3 is POOP anyway, might as well study it! /s
Jason no!!! stop!!!!
I have a pill for that