
Lots of competition from this season, tho

I recommend skype to #2, i have no idea how people do long distance without it.

Everyones pointing that out, but yea i think actually that’s the point here. 

I’m a big fan of The Children which was really far behind on this list, but otherwise yeah.

Who would even work on that? It sounds like Austin and Edmonton are pretty busy, plus you didn’t even mention SWTOR which is another “games-as-a-service” project that someone has to maintain.

thats not how competition works

jason when will you reveal how anthem was a flopped project, similar to your ME:A behind the scenes story?

it’s not flying, it’s falling - with style!

just when i thought last nights game was as bad as it could be, it unfortunately brought joy to people from mazzurah

haters, sure enough, will hate
this is awesome!! 

UMM ACTUALLY sora is 15 years old 

He will cave.

not invading saudi was bush’s fault

that’s been my icon for the last year or so


What’s that? a star wars fan .. GATEKEEPING ?!?!?!

Who would’ve ever thought I would see the day !


The whole idea of the gambling portion is basically a way for them to sell skins a dozen times instead of outright because of the throw of RNG dice. No one has had problems with outright buying skins since Horse Armor, because it is content. Loot boxes are just a chance to unlock content.

Here is a video of how changing the FPS in one of the Quakes changed the jump mechanic completely. And these guys were even super geniuses when it came to coding.