If you gave up everything that made you live to 100, you wouldn’t want to. I love milk. My body loves it too. Get a life and stop preaching.
If you gave up everything that made you live to 100, you wouldn’t want to. I love milk. My body loves it too. Get a life and stop preaching.
Just for the record, I think you're very beautiful in the 2014 picture.
If he didn’t want her to talk about it, he should have thought about that before he did it. Dysfunction thrives in secrecy. Out out out!!
I vote this comment of the year.
Haha. I’m glad it had the intended effect. It’s my favorite non sequitur - I got the phrase from the opening credits of Monty Python’s Holy Grail. A lot of people don’t know about these credits, but I saw this movie on the big screen when it first came out. Sitting in the first row of the theater helped to really see…
A moose bit my sister.
That would explain a lot of things.
opening a lot of door knobs?
I’d like a set with All In The Family.
I’ve had two unwanted pregnancies despite being responsible about birth control. In my opinion, these pregnancies were home invasions. It doesn’t matter to me when “life” begins. My life is far more important than some stranger who decides to set up shop in my womb when I have clearly put up no trespassing signs. Oh,…
It seems that crowd funding is successful based on the amount of money you already have in your life - rich relatives, rich friends, etc. Whoever says “God doesn’t give you more than you can handle” is full of shit. It happens all the time. Once I called the mental health crisis hotline and they said “it sounds like…
I got the Paraguard. I have horrible reactions to hormones and could never tolerate the Pill. For the first two weeks I was uncomfortable and after that I never felt a thing.
The CPA in me…. Is that your wild side?? ;)
I know - I saw that too - I must absolve the baldies from that bad rap!
I would just like to put in a good word for baldfaced hornets. We had a nest by the driveway and an apple tree in the back, so they would go back and forth. They were perfect gentlemen the entire summer. Yellow Jackets are assholes, not these guys.
Actually, I don’t find human babies cute.
I don’t want them to die in a fire. I would want them to survive with third degree burns over 90% of their body.
I am very glad they are being exposed. They are pitifully threatened by intimacy and have the emotional intelligence of a two year old being weened. Their attitudes are quite common. A blow up doll would never do, they’re interested in the debasing of souls.