I wanna know why so many kids are allergic to peanuts. Depression, Peanuts, Gluten, ADD, ADHD..... We never got diagnosed with anything.
I wanna know why so many kids are allergic to peanuts. Depression, Peanuts, Gluten, ADD, ADHD..... We never got diagnosed with anything.
Ah, I love semantics. Procedure vs. Murder. Procedure it is!
Been there. It takes time to sort this stuff out.
I still don't know what it is. I thought it was some kind of recurring typo. I have no desire to ever be on Twitter (I don't even know'er).
I think what Kubrick did to A Clockwork Orange was much worse. That book stuck to my ribs my entire life. The movie - was terribly one dimensional.
I love The Partridge Family. Had a big crush on David Cassidy. For me, Saturday Night Fever was the end of everything. Disco sucks.
ouch! a wash cloth? I hope it was microfiber. Interesting how they to put a barrier so that she wasn't really touching herself.
Oy vey.
What's wrong with being inspected? Wouldn't they like that? Most animal trainers these days are animal lovers. Peta is out to destroy everyone.
It would be amazing if they synced up on voice mode. 1eanda2eanda3eanda4eanda
I haave aan upstate New York aaaccent. Been in NYC for 30 years and caaan't get rid of it.
I never thought reading was as much fun as playing in the woods. It wasn't till I read Herman Hesse's Siddhartha - summer reading assignment - that I got turned on to books. I had a very violent childhood and all those books about adventure seemed so stupid to me. I'll give you an adventure: try surviving my…
"I’m sorry if someone said something that was inappropriate" This is your classic unapology.
Fix the Family - Absolutely! Get em all spayed and neutered.
She just got out of the shower.
Directed by Spike Lee.
I've adopted problematic cats and have rescued and re-homed my share as well. People often want a product and don't understand the cat needs to recover from trauma. In my mind, all adoption is rescue. You are rescuing humans who have probably had their hard drives already installed by abusive and neglectful…
This is an offer for sex trafficking.....
Oh, is that what a tail gate is..... I just thought it was a weird name for eating hotdogs in a parking lot.
I think it's very weird that dogs don't purr when you pet them.