
Kefir fan over here.

Did Jesus have a penis?

"An empowered woman understands this fact and chooses her words carefully. She is not catty, caustic, or overly critical, nor does she curse like a sailor." ....I was doing OK till the sailor part.

Umm... I don't think we're actually allowed to be horny - even in marriage, but we can pretend to be horny if that is what our husband wants.

"Women not only wear the bikini to the public swimming places, they are also found wearing them to the grocery store."

Even her wrinkles are awesome.

52 is the new 22. And that's the truth. ptptptptpttpptpttptp (how do you spell a raspberry?)

I think the shoes look like they are a cross between orthopedics and oxfords; couple that with the ankle socks and the little fannies, and create a look that would be very enticing for a pedophile with a fetish for the disabled.

wrongo. the clit needs its own special attention.

Her advice is sound, in its own way. However, wait till you turn 40 and your Princeton White Knight exchanges you for two 20s.

Stick figured people - I am pining to get one lady stick figure and 12 cat stick figures and line em all up on my compact wagon, which I use for rescuing.

"a sprained ankle or a sick mother away from financial ruin" ...... Have you been tapping my phone?

OK - a lot of pain. But does he still have Narcissistic Personality Disorder? Not that that makes a difference in politics - the disorder is rampant in this profession. He's an asshole sociopath. Period. No.Woman.Would.Ever.Survive.This.

Is Michelle Knight developmentally disabled? She seems brilliant to me. What is her story? Who is taking care of her? What is the deal with her family? Did they sell her to Castro or what? I have aunts and cousins who were sold. Some survived. Some died. Some passed the horrors down directly to their

No, I don't realize anything, but thanks for your enlightenment.

Adoption would be easier. Sorry - but growing a being in your womb for 9 months and giving it away to a stranger is probably one of the biggest forms of cruelty out there. I could never do it. It is one of the reasons I am vehemently prochoice. There is a book called B-Mother, by Maureen O'Brien, that gives the


I like the sentiment, it's always good to FYV, but your gif lighting is giving me a bit of a headache.

Yuk. Is this the new Brylcreem look?

Did she make these curtains herself?