Since it invariably is going to come up, I don’t understand how people can scream “this is a witchhunt” or “people are too sensitive” or “this is SJW nonsense”
Since it invariably is going to come up, I don’t understand how people can scream “this is a witchhunt” or “people are too sensitive” or “this is SJW nonsense” when time and again big gaming/tech companies have proven to be navel gazing, bro-clubs who alienate anyone who isn’t a straight white male.
It’s not…
There’s an OCD tingle in the back of my mind that the SSD isn’t scaled right compared to those Star Destroyers...but if it was it would be at least 10x longer.
Welcome to the internet.
...16-year-old ...CaptainZack...
Explaining why a shapeshifting omnidimensional being looks slightly different is probably the easiest handwave in sci-fi.
I love Patrick Stewart—I was just happy with Picard’s story being over, and I was hoping for something brand new.
Sure do love all the perfect parents in this comment section who have never, ever fucked up, not even once. Not even when they are tired, or stressed, or sick, or overworked or running on fumes.
Yeah, those fucking assholes amirite? Those fucking pieces of shit. Screw them for not wanting to improvise. Anyone without the experience to run a smoooth session with no prep should probably just stop playing the game am I right?
you are a really cool dude. To make such a valid observation.
Hope all my sarcasm isn’t…
༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ GIVE PULITZER ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
Exception, not the rule. Don’t be a pedantic twit. I want demonstrated ability and knowledge base over... some dude yelling on the internet.
Not participating in social media at all seems like the best thing to do these days.
I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again; Mitch McConnell is genuinely a worse person than Donald Trump, Stephen Miller, or any of the fucking nazis making waves across the country right now. Because he has deliberately run this country into the fucking arms of people like Trump in an exercise of naked power, smug in…
Mitch McConnell is every name on my Arya Stark list.
Pretty much every conservative policy is based in fear. Conservatives are afraid of everything.
I said this elsewhere, and I’ll say it here.
Tom Arnold is promoting his VICE tv show ‘The Hunt For The Trump Tapes.’
right as I was about to press “Play” on this fucking trailer that I have waited so damn long to see, my 2 month old shits himself and started wailing. Not a quick swipe the butt, new diaper, done shit but disrobe and wash off in the sink type of shit. Figures...