The Don

Get the fuck off my lawn.

Amen! I got my license in ‘81: 35-40-yo cars were janky back then. Now? How can you have>any< car-cred without having driven things from the 60s & 70s?

No one said the moose on the Volvo 850 instrument cluster circuit board?

Automotive heat exchanger engineer rant:

“it serves a second, even cooler purpose.”

My mantra these days is courtesy of Dave Chappelle: “I hope all the bad things in life happen to you and nobody else but you.”

Your car would always smell like grilled meat. I am not saying that’s a bad thing (at least, not for the first 3 years, after which it’ll start smelling really skanky).

Me, a Very Tech Person: Electric cars don’t need a grille!

It’s also a testament to how bad American roads have gotten.

In my opinion the biggest con of this whole fiasco is that we probably wouldn’t be here today if The Apprentice had never happened. It not only gave him a national platform but put a whole broadcast company in the business of peddling the unearned and undeserved image of success that Trump always so desperately

If you continue like this, I will feel compelled to organise a dramatic reading: Artful Expressions of Rightful Indignation and Godly Wrath, by BadOmbre Esqu. You have been on fire lately.

Oh, yeah. I read some interview with an economist who said if Trump had taken that first million dollars his father gave him after college, put it into a mutual fund, and then DID NOTHING, he’d be a billionaire today.

I don’t want him to flee the country and live in luxury with his ill-gotten gains. I want him stripped of everything he’s come to possess and I want him convicted of treason. I want Republican voters to realize that they voted for a man that was willing to sell out our country so he could realize his dream of being

I support this sentiment unreservedly

Yes, yes, yes. I want his presidency to become the political sin that brings about the flaming sword at the entrance of Eden guarding against humanity’s return to the garden.

If I were religious, I would take your prayer to church for my priest to read during intercessory prayers. It’s not nice, but very well-written.

I’m kind of hoping that Trump’s downfall is horrifying enough that it’s a long, long time before anyone tries that shit again. Sort of the way Mussolini’s death and public display prompted Hitler to kill himself rather than surrender.

The breadth and width of the moral depravity of his husk of a man never ceases to amaze me, and I hope it never does. I never wanted to become jaded and beaten down enough that I jump on the “nobody cares” hot-take train.

Yes, because it is a straw man to assume that caring about diversity means at the expense of excellence. It assumes that by seeking diversity, you are overlooking “better” white people when the point is to look further and draw from a larger pool. There is also a countless amount of research that shows that diversity

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