Yeah apparently he quit because he didn't like being angry for a living
My understanding is that Bob was a former Air Force drill sergeant. I’m not making that up.
Harleys still suck but this article did a really good job explaining what makes cruisers great. A Japanese cruiser, like say a honda vtx1800 has a modern liquid cooled engine with double the power and more reliability, it won’t rattle itself(or you) apart, it has better brakes, better suspension and its cheaper. The…
I personally don’t mind Harleys.
so sit around drink, look at bikes rather than ride, when you do ride your ancient, overweight, air cooled couch that for some reason costs 20k but cant stop or corner, you so in street clothes. sounds like a typical harley douchebag to me. which is to say there is nothing appealing to me about this. I’ll stick with…
You know what. I’m a bartender and I can back you up on this. The Harley guys show up and your day is ruined. They don’t tip, they bitch about the prices (no matter how cheap your beer is), demand buy backs, grope your waitresses, throw ethnic slurs around like indefinite articles, scream at their wives, linger for…
You lost me at Harley.
“But if you are a rider and haven’t rode a Harley-Davidson across America, I think you’re missing out. It’s the ride these bikes were designed for.”
::Reads title of article::
Can’t be seen OR HEARD!
good perspective.
I’m on my Honda Silverwing, at a traffic light that for some reason or another existed in Middle-Of-Nowhere, Texas. A guy on a big Harley pulls up beside me, with his air cooled engine vibrating so much his rear view mirrors were about to fall off and his teeth are rattling. He looks at me sitting there on my Honda,…
A stored Harley is a good Harley because it can’t be seen. Enjoy your alcoholism.
Voters in Illinois were presented the choice to be allowed to lane split, just so long as they mandated the wearing of helmets. They elected to still ride without helmets..................
Required to ride a HD? Reason enough not to.
Out of ~100 comments thusfar, I saw two that made a quasi-rational case for the Harley. And even those weren’t very compelling. I think that gives you the answer you’re looking for: there is no justifiable reason for buying this bike.
Harleys aren’t the only bikes in that category you described.
I work at a Ural dealer. We are seeing more and more Harleys getting traded in for our bikes. 1. Harleys are heavy as you stated. 2. Spouses rather sit next to the rider. 3. Our bikes can fit a lot more gear.