He won't face charges, but he's being forced to surrender his license, right?
He won't face charges, but he's being forced to surrender his license, right?
The car above is about as close as you can get to a universal 1960s car. It is almost entirely devoid of discerning…
if you are worried that an accidental stab at the throttle that you will result in being the subject of much internet video shame...it might be too powerful.
Overpowered = 95% focus on HP/torque output; no sophistication; minimal attention to aerodynamics; laughable attempt at improved handling; usually over 3500 lbs.
And that's what's annoying about this car. Its qualities aren't something you can discern from a stats sheet, or from any other quantitative kind of view. The car comes across on the Internet as overpriced and underpowered. There are plenty of other cars waiting at the same MSRP with more power, more driven wheels,…
The seats were fine and I never got the least bit sore, even after a four-hour sit behind the wheel. I didn't mind the seats weren't heated. The car's heater worked great (you can split it side to side so you can twiddle around without bugging your boss who is still wearing a jacket inside the car why would you wear a…
Can't say I agree. The kid's behavior stood out as odd. The other two is pretty much how I would react emotionally (very pissed) if someone were to crash into me at a light.
Minivan owner/driver here. Complete agreement with your statement. "Star" coming.
Looks like the challenger...
Let this be a lesson to us all. Never fuck with a minivan driver because they're likely shuttling kids around, "AND THEY HAVE HAD IT UP TO HERE IF YOU GUYS DON'T SETTLE DOWN SO HELP ME GOD I WILL *crash*......"
Looks like that Challenger....
Or maybe he was just ROTFLOLing
Justice has a name, and thy moniker is "minivan driver."
Move to Canada, but you're still saddled with a 15 year rule. And a large number of people who inexplicably speak French.
WHAT I THOUGHT HAPPENS: The government inspects every single container, vessel, sailboat, dinghy, and inflatable life raft that arrives on U.S. shores. They check for three things: guns, drugs, and Nissan Skylines.
Absolutely. Right now is the perfect time to release a game set in the 70's.
I've been telling everyone I know this recently: the next GTA HAS TO BE SET IN late-1970s New York City :) Imagine! Star Wars, disco, a devastated and torn NYC. It's PERFECT for a GTA game and imagine the music, the clothes, the cars etc!!!