The Don

The person Larry Miller is dead. The dealership group started in Utah I believe. There are probably a dozen Larry Miller dealerships in and around Salt Lake City. I couldn't take my Lexus to another one because the only other one in Utah is also a Larry Miller dealership. And apparently my car isn't the first one

There are a few things you can do to prevent your car being abused (i might be a bit obsessive but a kid at sears did donuts in the lot in my RX-8 after putting brand new tires on it and not letting the car warm up first... i saw him, had a feeling so i watched him pull the car out.)

Instead he went to the internet for free, started the ball rolling and might get a new car. For free. To me a lawyer is the last resort. Until you determine they simply won't meet your demands, the lawyer is the last thing you want involved. The minute you mention a lawyer or get one involved they'll circle the

Ralph Lauren has earned it pretty well, it must be said...though it's still kinda disturbing that wealth inequality enables this. I have it on good authority that Blake Nordstrom has a hangar with a 1300 car collection outside of Seattle, and that he's also a nice guy, and I even really like his stores! But still. Who

You had me at "redneck Koenigsegg"

Am I the only one who wants to build a redneck version of the Koenigsegg One:1?

Are you mentally prepared for the number of "So My Definition is Na'Cho Definition" puns coming your way? Because it's going to be wild.

I hear you.

One day it might not be exotic, but it is for now and in the best possible way.

It's pretty exotic.

Your PS4 doesn't count.

Put your passenger on a diet.

You're not in a relationship, are you?

Not a top priority, sure, but never a bad thing in itself and maybe makes it easier to justify a purchase when dealing with the nonbelievers.

AMC colors? I see what you did there..

Lowering kit of course!

"Generally" cyclists do not endanger the public when careless. Or perhaps you have 5867 examples of this occurring?

I will leave this here...

We do mean human medical recoveries, though Lotus does often seem to be on life support.