The Don

Personally, I'd just piss all over both their graves.

It doesn’t say anything good about the human condition when the men in power are largely racist and misogynist fucks. They’re so afraid of losing power, that they’ll weaponize hate against anyone who can compete and threaten their power. The hilarious bit is that they should be afraid, they should be quaking in their

Hard for it to be racism when you’re not saying that all white people are cheap. Countries have cultures, not races, and I can’t say I’ve ever met a cheap Scot. I have had the misfortune to work for some Hindu Indians, and they were cheap as fuck, and rather shitty bosses for that matter. Muslim Pakistanis tend to be

Nice to see the Queen of Queen still kicking ass 28 years after his passing.

If the coat fits...

The illusion of power confronted by someone who has an iota of actual power, as in can beat his short ass.

Kill 2 birds with 1 stone then, golf courses are monuments to inequality.

There never was any, just powerful people covering shit up.

Because someone went on about grabbing them by the pussy, and nothing was ever done. It's the same reason letting off Il Douche will net us more of the same, because people are shitty unless you make an example for them.

60 fucking years on this green Earth, their dumbasses had better know better, otherwise we had best teach them. Silence is tantamount to consent in these horrible cases.

Craigslist, Offerup, even eBay if you put up OBO. And I still have no idea what these people expect other than a tersely worded response.

Not quite, if they ever fix Kinja, they’ll be returning over the Rubicon...

That’s a man Man! (said with my best Austin Powers voice)

Whatever makes you feel better about yourself.


Damn near? This is beyond the pale.

The dipshits driving the SUV and semi should have their licenses revoked immediately.

I’ve run into this twat a fair number of times, and I can never piece together how in the fuck he’s not the whitest shade of grey.

Awww, poor little honky got sand in his pussy.