The Don

Right way is a misnomer, I prefer to call this the proper way. If you wanna be different, you do you.

Sometimes, I just appreciate a short safety talk that's to the point.

They’ve been dull for years. Having driven a number of SL55s, SL65s, and C65s in a previous lifetime working with a dealer, they where fast as fuck in a straight line, but fairly crappy when asked to turn with anything approximating precision.

Having grown up in the desert, water is precious to me. Thanks for being mindful ma'am.

Having met actual Christians with a capital C as opposed to these evangelical cunts, the Christians have been as offended by Il Douche as the rest of us. Evangelical christians can go suck a dick for all the good they’ve done humanity.

And thank you for the slow run through every single reason this orangutan impersonator won't win.

Thank fuck for that.

And I hope the lawsuits never do stop coming. It would be karma if this asshole ended up broke and in a shelter. A bit of a shame that will likely never happen.

That and when you rotate your tires, include your spare.

Talk like this makes the dipshits and dumbasses in the populace think they can hold onto the status quo. Sadly, these morons outnumber the sensible people. And no, I'm not saying you are one. But the words coming out of your mouth embolden them.

Because you talk as if we have a choice.

Now playing

Still, this is my soundtrack for today, as the world starts to make a bit more sense again.

As am I.

You sir are living your best life. Kudos.

Where the hell are you at, Wyoming?

Be careful should have come in at the top. You never know how wypipo will react, best to give them a wide berth, just in case they’re working on a mass shooting. Any time the white ain't right, I get my capuccino colored ass the fuck out of there.

What I got out of it is that humanity’s fondness of a noise coming out of a tailpipe will choke us with the gases coming from that same tailpipe. And unless we come up with a zero carbon fuel, there’s naught to be done except get with the program. Unless you like trying to breath NO², which coincidentally feels like

Please don’t be disingenuous, as raising the minimum wage is in fact a case of a rising tide lifting all the boats. You keep arguing for a minority, as the majority are working stiffs. And yes, we need to have wages rise across the board, but a progressive agenda will take care of that. Because transferring the wealth

And I still remember practicing this exact maneuver in an '84 Rabbit back in '97. Good times.

Hmmmm, let me think, because the range doubles, and the price will continue dropping as the next generation of batteries improve. As far as calling you names, believe me, I didn't even dip into names. I'm just calling you what you are, a regressive who's so beholden to the status quo that you'll piss and moan about