I'd take the Viper over a Ferrari any day. Life affirmation every time you get anywhere is something you just don't get with a Ferrari.
I'd take the Viper over a Ferrari any day. Life affirmation every time you get anywhere is something you just don't get with a Ferrari.
Gimme a Viper and a Clown Shoe, I already have the XJ waiting on money to convert her to electric, or maybe I’ll keep the 2nd gen 4Runner instead for that same process...
It might be funny, if it wasn't quite so sad that this orange twit's actions can pass for statemanship with wypipo.
Nah man, let them think they got away with it, and their bigotry is now accepted. Naked racism is always preferable to that cloak and dagger shit they've had to peddle for the last 50 years, it makes it so much easier to take the assholes to task.
Was anyone expecting something other than a letter chock full of bullshit, written at a 4th grade level? My nephews who haven’t gotten out of elementary school could write a more logical response. I'm surprised Pelosi didn't burn unread letter right in front of him, now that would have been a fucking power move.
This is called Giving Aid And Comfort To An Enemy. String up this fucking moron for treason.
He looks like the result of a white supremacist inbreeding experiment.
If you’ve ever completed a work of any consequence, you will be your own harshest critic. Every system I’ve integrated or deployed, I’ve gone through the process poking holes in how I did things, and I don’t anyone reminding me where I could have done better. It makes me a better engineer, and pissed off at whoever is…
I’ll never understand the mentality of a man who insists on being where he is unwanted. Then again, this describes every male asshole I’ve ever met. It makes me sad that my gender hasn’t seemed to evolve past a Cro-Magnon mentality that is essentially centered on who has the power.
Not many until batteries have a higher density I think.
I love the fact that the EVs you can hear sound like a cross between a Star Wars speeder bike and a $2,000 RC car.
Most of the necessary bits are fairly easy to cobble together, but batteries are still the sticking point, and there are still no plug and play kits because of this. Because the batteries are rather expensive and there are 50 million ways to go about installing them, all of which generally require cutting into your…
It would not surprise at all if Dave was into a bit of leather, or S&M for that matter...
I can definitely see a mild hybrid assist alternator setup like you mentioned becoming popular, and an extra 90 ft-lbs of torque would liven up any car. You could give an RX-7 a substantial chunk of bottom end grunt for example. Now we just need a battery that fits where the 12 volt goes, and that’s sorted beautifully.
Cocoa butter and a loofah. Cheap, and extremely effective. And since I turn into Ashy ‘n Scaly Larry every winter, personally tested and approved.
Cocoa butter and a loofah. Cheap, and extremely effective. And since I turn into Ashy ‘n Scaly Larry every winter,…
Sounds like a DB issue in addition to whatever reason the text editor likes to reposition the cursor on me as I’m writing. The breakdown of the technical bits is inevitable if it isn’t maintained. Who can we deluge in snail mail to maybe possibly getting something done about it?
Who's* the sucker now. FIFY.
The difference between Tesla and Porsche is that a Tesla owner will put up with issues, bugs, and warranty claims, all to say they where an early adopter, whereas the Porsche owner fully expects a rock solid product that can maintain a consistent level of performance. Tesla is burning through VC money trying to…
It took me 5 seconds on Google to find that link. If I could be bothered, it would be fairly easy to pull up all manner of horror stories, simply due to how Tesla operates. What still surprises me is how all the Tesla fanboys insist on defending what is demonstrably false. Very reminiscent of a religion or a cult…
Since you can't read minds, your last statement can be thrown away. Everyone is bothered by someone, you just need to know their prejudices to figure out by whom.