The Don

Because you are a cunt complaining about manners. Fairly fucking simple actually. Go fuck yourself.

Wasted breath.

Fuck off bitch.

McCain is a cunt, quite simply.

Because these measures are unconstitutional, they need to have the drivers agree, and any recourse is left in the fucking weeds. If you use Uber or Lyft, you're as bad as the assholes "paying" these drivers.

And you never did answer my questions about you’re geographic location. In fact, you’ve not provided and indication that the issues noted in this article even apply to you.


Sweeg Baby Jesus, bitch is ugly as fuck.


Go fuck yourself. Illegal immigrants pay taxes, and they don’t get shit back from their tax return. So go fuck yourself again.

And then? He’s a bitch extraordinaire, and the FSB is utter bullshit. Russia has little industry, accompanied by a population half of the States, meaning they can suck the darkest part of our collective ass.

The Porsche Taycan is not available to the public, or did I stutter?

Black as my heart is how I like my coffee.

Sounds like a personal problem.

Regarding the headline, that sounds about white.

You sound like a fucktard complaining about Colin Kapaernik. But that isn't correct, is it? /S

That's because they're afraid of an octagenerian twatwaffle.


Ecclestone was fucking wrong headed numpty, thank fucking god they got rid of his antediluvian ass. And I hope he’s crushed when a stack of bills falls on him at his home, it would serve the ballsucker right, supporting despotic short-lived regimes.

Sure, when it hasn't been released yet. And you're forgetting the euro range figures. Do some cursory research next time.