Legal Cannabis isn’t expensive everywhere. It’s easy to find an ounce of killer weed for about $110 (including taxes) in Denver.
Legal Cannabis isn’t expensive everywhere. It’s easy to find an ounce of killer weed for about $110 (including taxes) in Denver.
We may soon need a fleet of Glomar Explorers.
An app that nukes annoying auto-play videos, like the one atop this article.
My waste service (contracted for by the city, so I have no choice) states that they accept recycled plastics #1 through #7, but also says that they don’t accept styrofoam. I’ll call them and make sure that they do accept other low-density polystyrene items.
Same here, except mine started in March and by now is in September. *le sigh*
Your kids won’t get stuck with it, but your surviving spouse may, if you live in a community-property state or marital property state.
Pinion and rack? Recirculating ball, too. Yes, they still exist - even on brand new vehicles.
As a matter of law, that’s not the case. It’s a “Schedule 2 Bank” in Canada. The “schedule 2" part means that it’s foreign-owned. The “bank” part means that it is a bank.
Indeed - a one-dollar charge at a gas pump is likely to be declined for that reason!
And remember - if you are a rescue professional or volunteer, *always* rescue the pets, too.
Absence of fire hydrants is something that fire departments are equipped to deal with. We bring our own water and pour it out into something that looks a great deal like an above-ground pool; then we get more. Is this really different in California?
We’d draw “the bear family”, mostly circles. Then when our daughter was a bit older, she’d build towers out of creamers, forks and anything else she’d grab. Like the adoring parent I was, I arranged free wind and seismic testing for her structures.
I get it. From the context, I definitely knew which airport you meant. It was one of the best pre-9/11.
The X-3 Explorer is steered with the drivers’ knees. And yes, from the center. You won’t have to use your hands.
KCI? What’s that? Don’t you mean the Kansas City airport, MCI?
Yes, it was. Thanks for the reply, and also for the extra helping of snark. It goes down well on Election Day, you know.
Not only one - what’s that about gun-jumping again?
It’s not randomly generated - if it were, how would it be []ing over the poor? That makes no sense.
My layer has asked that I decline to answer such questions. ;)
Property tax. Other states also assess property tax on vehicles - Missouri is an example.