I'm playing through this game for the first time on my DS right now. It's amazing. I'm not far in, but it's really fun.
I'm playing through this game for the first time on my DS right now. It's amazing. I'm not far in, but it's really fun.
Meanwhile, superior games like Killing Floor continue to get overlooked because they're not on consoles.
@Vandro: Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear Winter.
If they make something equivalent of the app store for the NGP it'll be a much better success. Half of the greatest homebrew apps would be perfect for a store like that.
Ahah, oh god. This is a great opportunity to post the funniest video relating G.I. Joe and video games ever.
@random_droid: Because jersey designs are a big thing. They're more important than the aesthetics of a video game console's case.
Good, F.E.A.R. 2 was terrible and F.E.A.R. 3 seems to continue that trend
@Sthompson: Fans voted on it. The 4chan sports board trolled it.
@twinturbo2: Go ahead, say "no" to that.
@Snx70: Hm, what? I find this rather humorous and I have not only all 3 current consoles, but both handhelds and a gaming PC.
@twinturbo2: Whoa whoa whoa, son. Did you just "ew" Mileena?
..He started hiring for his own MGS game in January of this year. Kojima isn't even doing Rising.
@stewox: Let me guess, you like Macs?
Killing Floor absolutely wipes the fucking floor with Zombies.
Are you implying I am?
Maybe Suda 51 can get back to making good games now
@BobJimBob: What in the world do you want?