Good news, everyone!

@Aflack: That's why I said "chance".

@Elratauru: But-but-but the Dreamcast is a sub-par console that's only liked because it failed!

Oh hey. They gave Madworld color.

@Tiller: Even if the NGP is $349, if it has 30 dollar new games and 20 dollar ports? It will win the war.

@b-radicate: Don't let your hopes down. Sony will be selling this thing at a major loss. $249 or even $200 doesn't seem impossible.

@Ash Paulsen: Meanwhile, the 3DS is running with what games? A remake of OoT, a remake of StarFox, a remake of MGS3, and sequels to both console and portable games. If the NGP launches with this lineup, the NGP has the chance to destroy the 3DS.

@Tiller: These sticks will be cheaper to make than UMD games. Expect thirty to fourty dollar games, with maybe twenty dollar PS2/PS3 ports.

@Phaz: It's possible. Sony is selling this at a loss, they might be trying to share the 3DS price point.

@Tiller: Sony will be selling this console at a loss - how big of one is the question. They can obviously support it because video games are not the biggest part of their income. Possibly $249? That would really set the NGP sales on fire and they could probably beat Nintendo.

@n_gamer: You try being grammatically correct after working a whole day, then staying up to watch the Sony live feed.

@wiskill: Because when I do, they get buttfrustrated and call me an idiot for disagreeing with them.

Good idea, Kotaku.

@KingHippo: I have you mistaken for another person.

To the people bitching and complaining about the NGP coverage, deal with it. The 3DS got plenty of positive coverage before it's complaints. The NGP will have it's time in the sun for now, and it'll get it's rags later. Stop being a fanboy. If you don't like the articles, go to another gaming site - oh wait, they're

@KingHippo: Oh shush. The 3DS got plenty of positive coverage when it was unveiled. I suggest you go stop complaining about this on most NGP articles. It's childish.

Near the end of the ad, you can see three unannounced games.

@SirNinja: Because that obviously won't be the name. It's so simple that if it were to be that, they were to already have that. I think NGP will stay.