Good news, everyone!

@giusepe: Screen: 5″ OLED multi-touch screen


@lucasway89: You're talking about the PSP2 in your reply, not the Xperia Play.

@KingKirby: All of that will be gone when the PSP2 has worse battery and a higher price.

@lucasway89: Are you implying the PSP2 will cost 300 dollars? With the rumoured spec list that was leaked, it looks more in the range of six hundred.

@KingKirby: Because Kotaku doing full in-depth previews of each big game isn't good enough, right?

@gullwingxtreme: During the 3DS events there's tonnes of positive Nintendo coverage. The PSP event is coming today.

Rocket jumping ala Quake style. But that's the ONLY way to move.

@mr_godot02: I played the Bulletstorm demo 7 times before I played the Crysis 2 demo. Holy shit is that game ever good. Totally blew my expectations out of the water.

I hate this game.

Bad news, everyone! There's no respect because all they fucking do is "OOOOOH LOOK AT ME I'M A GIRL PLAYING VIDEO GAMES!"


@Bwgmon: When the Cliff racers were pushed out, they had to migrate.. they did so north western.. What is north west to Morrowind, again..? Have fun.

The PSP2 will not stay unhacked for long, folks. The scene is already so dedicated to the PSP it'd be ridiculous to think they wouldn't transition to the PSP2.

Happy Wheels