Good news, everyone!

@SuicidalEarthworm: Naw man, all you can run on PSPGo is plugins, ISOs, PSX, and homebrew.. So you can run basically all a CFW can at 6.20

@a-rural-juror: To be fair, only Oblivion was. Morrowind was multiplatform and it turned out fine. I still worry about Skyrim, though. Gameplay shouldn't be toned down and neither should the length/graphics of the game.

For anyone interested in running more homebrew and plugins on their PSP, a downgrader for any model has been released if you're on 6.31 or 6.35.

@PeterLorre: Jim is one of the funniest newer comedians I've ever seen.

@richterbelmont: If you stick to the PC, you'll be fine. It's the consoles that are getting fine tuned towards casuals.

@Tendou Souji: You realize they're making a new Pokemon manga aimed at older audiences? Like, not our older audiences. Japanese adults.

Posted this in today's TAY.

All of my money.

@mrantimatter: They don't want a character of theirs becoming a sex symbol?

Nintendo will win. Mark my words.

@Honoguma: I guess we'll have to wait to see if this is real or not still. Could be a mockup based on the real thing?