Good news, everyone!

@KingKellogg the Waffle Haggler: MGS ever being planned to be an exclusive. Hell, MGS4 was in development on 360 until it got scrapped halfway through

@Shinta: Oh doc, this is heavy..

@Kantei: In before they change their name to Chinook Entertainment

@UERD: Trust me. When episode 3 is released, it will have been worth the weight.

Nope, I'd rather have a remade MGS1/2.

Chris Houllihan room - round 2, start!

Red Orchestra 2, folks.. RO2.

@Manic0892: Black Mesa was supposed to come out a few weeks ago. That didn't go down as planned, did it?

@godmodeON: I hope you do realize that Duke Nukem is older than 12 years, more like 17-18 years old. And the series has always been like this. Some of us play games for fun, believe it or not!

@DS: Last years PAX.