Good news, everyone!

@Archaotic: Either use Hitmontop/chan/lee, Victreebell, or maybe pick up Nidoking? I'm sure another legendary beast could help, too.

Now playing

Because I must try and sell Sonic Colours to people for some unspeakable reason even I can not comprehend, check this out.

You know, this is the kind of thing I'd wish Capcom would keep secret. This would be so much cooler if it was a surprise.

@darkboy1200: As best said by the crowd, "FUCKING SAXABOOM!"

Now playing

@darkboy1200: As said best by a Youtube commenter.. There is not a sad bone in these men's bodies. They enjoy every minute they're on stage and by god, it shows.

@masterisosceles: To be fair, my statement was slightly biased. I've never been interested in Mother but I loved Golden Sun.

@deafblindmute: Would you not play a Mother 4 made by the Golden Sun team?

@darkboy1200: You should be, they're fucking amazing. Best band I've seen live - and you can tell that just by watching that video!

In before the cease and desist.

Boy, that NPC... That's some star level craft.

@M1911: Nope - KG and JB actually have musical talent. They could be a kickass serious band if they want to but their humour is too great to pass up.

@Michael Dukakis: Well, that's a home run of a win if I do say so myself!

Now playing

Can't wait to hear Tenacious D's new song at Blizzcon.

Sounds like quite the harvest of personal information..